March 30, 2010

Jessica Nigri 2010

DSC_5078, originally uploaded by Mazorath.

Forbidden love

Hilarious Graffiti, originally uploaded by Gangles87.

March 27, 2010


Ho-Oh, originally uploaded by The Quiff Is Dead.

March 22, 2010

Pokemon Shirt

Marine, originally uploaded by kidder26.

Abandoned Bulbasaur

, originally uploaded by Cheney..

Skymin Cosplay

Ridiculous Skymin2, originally uploaded by ArcanineIce.

Let's Play

Pokémon, originally uploaded by The Quiff Is Dead.

Dear Dad

LETTERS TO AN ABSENT FATHER (PREVIEW #2), originally uploaded by mareodomo.

Hi there Pokemon Trainers! I have noticed many of you are getting to our publication while searching for this wonderful comic strips. You can find here all the 'Letters to an Absent Father' (by Mareodomo). Also, I invite you to check the rest of our blog, where we regularly post Pokemon art creations and appearances in the world's culture. If you do Pokemon Art let us know and we might post it.

- The Editor


all mine! , originally uploaded by j a S o n - 91.

March 18, 2010

How did you throw a Pokeball?

McDonald's Japan

ハッピーセット, originally uploaded by _shion.

March 12, 2010


5/365, originally uploaded by explodeychik.

March 10, 2010

Pikachu Backpack

Pika Mail

68 / 365, originally uploaded by brittanianne.

March 5, 2010

Pokemon Christmas Bash

March 2, 2010

Huge Pokeball

Steamboat Balloon Rodeo, originally uploaded by ChiRanch.

Key light

The Pokè Mafia!, originally uploaded by Randy ICJ.